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Advanced dynamic flat-panel R/F system


Apollo DRF 4.0
Apollo DRF is Villa’s reference product in the panorama of remote-controlled digital tables. The Apollo DRF stands out over time for both its unique and equally innovative features. Its top performance and operability have always been widely acknowledged. With features such as broad application flexibility, high productivity, and high image quality, the Apollo DRF is still one of the most appreciated products used by radiographical professionals today.
This new version of the Apollo DRF remote-controlled table has been equipped with many innovative features that significantly improve its performance and make its use more straightforward and user-friendly. This maximizes the efficiency of daily routine usage.
Implementing new examination procedures in the system also allows additional diagnostic information to be acquired, thus making the diagnosis process more comprehensive. With this new version, Apollo DRF achieves extraordinary application flexibility. Combined with high performance, the Apollo DRF redefines the users’ experience of the system.

Superlative Flexibility
All Apollo DRF movements have been designed to ensure rapid and accurate positioning and allow the broadest possible range of radiographic projections. The 90° tilt in both directions makes it possible to install the remote-controlled table in the most diverse configurations of the diagnostic room. This allows top results to be obtained in any environment. The wide travel of the tube-detector assembly ensures complete patient coverage, thus avoiding the need for its repositioning or moving the table longitudinally.
Utilizing the motorized tilting of the tube support column and the rotation of the x-ray source, oblique projections can also be carried out on the table as well as patient exposures on a stretcher. The focus-detector distance, which can be extended up to 180 cm, makes it possible to examine the chest directly on the remote-controlled table.
The lower height from the floor and the completely smooth surface of the examination table makes patient access easier and simplify transfer procedures from the stretcher. In addition, the sturdy and reliable mechanical structure can withstand a weight of up to 284 kg with no movement restrictions, thus also making it possible to examine bariatric patients.
The system can be supplied with a wide range of accessories for patient positioning and for special procedures, such as a lateral cassette holder, compression band, shoulder support, patient footrest, handles, and leg support.

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